Would You Like COACHING To Start Earning Real Cash?
"How We Collect $126...$2,052...even $29,142...
From Products That SELL THEMSELVES..."
You Get FREE SOFTWARE To Do It... You Don't Need TRAFFIC or an E-MAIL LIST!
One-Time Payment - Instant Access - Beginner-Friendly
It took my brother John and I a long, long time to figure out what you're about to discover right here, right now...
That creating the PERFECT PRODUCT changes EVERYTHING for you.
Let me be blunt with you. We struggled for a LONG time when we first got started online. We struggled with affiliate marketing. We struggled with advertising. We struggled getting traffic. We struggled figuring out the right niche, and how to create the right offers.
We thought we were doing everything "right"...but...
Over and over again...
We kept running into ROADBLOCKS.
We kept smacking our head against a brick wall... blindly following what everyone else "told us to do"...instead of simply copying the systems that were actually ALREADY WORKING for people. (We needed to ignore all of B.S. "theory"...)
It took us YEARS and THOUSANDS OF WASTED DOLLARS to figure that all out and get on the right track. BUT...
Once we started focusing on what was already PROVEN to work...
Creating PERFECT PRODUCTS at top speed...using FREE SOFTWARE...
Everything - and I do mean EVERYTHING - changed on a dime.
Once I implemented the secrets you're about to discover today, I created my own "PERFECT PRODUCT" and sold over 300 copies at $12 a pop...and it was only 12 pages long! (Even better, it only took me a few hours to create...obviously, my results were exceptional and will vary for everyone.)
It was the SECRET I had been waiting for all along.
Best of all, since that first PERFECT PRODUCT, we've rinse-and-repeated that process...and our results just keep getting better...

What’s the difference between an ordinary product and a PERFECT PRODUCT?
Anyone can try to create and sell their own product. (Lots of people have and failed.)
But that doesn’t make it a PERFECT PRODUCT.
There are certain little “extras” that a PERFECT PRODUCT offers that clinches the sale. That make your product stand out among the crowd. And most importantly, that make customers absolutely LOVE your product.
It’s not hard to do. (It’s actually pretty easy using our secrets and FREE SOFTWARE.)
You just need to know WHAT to do...
- You DO NOT need to worry about "GETTING TRAFFIC!" There are thousands of affiliates who are eager to send thousands of FREE clicks your way (at absolutely zero upfront cost to you!) when you are offering their customers the PERFECT PRODUCT to buy.
- You get INSTANT Authority! Nothing makes you "the expert" in your field like having your own PERFECT PRODUCT to sell.
- Your PERFECT PRODUCT SELLS ITSELF! You don't need to write or pay for "world-class sales copy" when the product you're offering is a perfect match for the customers in your market.
- Customers COME TO YOU! Many people buy products based on the recommendations of others. How much would everything change for you if your customers were EAGER to tell others about your PERFECT PRODUCT?
- You AUTOMATICALLY Build Relationships! With a PERFECT PRODUCT, you get partners and colleagues knocking at your door, eager to partner with you. Multiple doors swing wide open for you when you have a great offer.
- It Can Be 100% SET-AND-FORGET! You don't need to keep building website after website, or creating offer after offer once you have one PERFECT PRODUCT in place. You just use it to earn passive income, again-and-again.
- It Can Be FAST and EASY For YOU To Do! I created my first PERFECT PRODUCT in a matter of a few hours and sold over $3,000.00 of it...and many, many more since then. It's scalable, fast and easy to do, once you know what you're doing... (and yes, it's even fun!)
- We Hand You FREE SOFTWARE To Help You Do It! There are countless FREE TOOLS available that help you rapidly build great products that sell with very little effort. We hand you a big list of our favorite FREE SOFTWARE that we use to create PERFECT PRODUCTS, over and over.
Let us help you avoid all of the "B.S." and YEARS of Trial-and-Error...
There are a lot of junk products out there that will lead you in the wrong direction. John and I buy and study nearly all of the new "cutting edge" techniques and software out there so that you can avoid the noise and FINALLY FOCUS ON WHAT WORKS.
There is absolutely NOTHING BETTER for putting consistent cashflow in your pocket than to have your own PERFECT PRODUCT.
We know this because we've done it again and again. Just one PERFECT PRODUCT can change your life, but you can create multiple products if you want to scale up like crazy.
Now, for the first time, we'd like to share all the secrets and FREE Software that we use with you...


PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION is our special product creation process, consisting of our private collection of 17 “Face-to-Face” Video Tutorials revealing exactly how to create your very own PERFECT PRODUCT, just like we do...with FREE PRODUCT CREATION SOFTWARE as a bonus.
It's simple, direct, and easy for anyone to follow...

It's like sitting down and getting one-to-one coaching directly with John, telling you EXACTLY what you need to do.
Clients have been eager to pay over $1,000 for 30 minutes of our coaching time. But you won't need to pay nearly that much for over 1 hour of video training with PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION and our FREE SOFTWARE.
We know what we're talking about. We’ve sold millions of dollars worth of our own PERFECT PRODUCTS in countless niches - many you may not have even heard of. But the secret formula for creating each PERFECT PRODUCT is the same, every single time.
You can create just one PERFECT PRODUCT and have everything change for you...but once you do it just once - and you see just how easy it is and the results you get - you’ll likely want to rinse-and-repeat the process, again and again.
With PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION, it’s as if you’re sitting down and having a direct coaching conversation with John, all about how to create your own PERFECT PRODUCT, from start-to-finish...and having us hand you our secret list of FREE SOFTWARE to help do it all for you.
- YES! You become AN EXPERT while you create your PERFECT PRODUCT.
- YES! You can sell a PERFECT PRODUCT without ANY existing experience or skills.
- YES! You get other people to send you FREE TRAFFIC with your own PERFECT PRODUCT.
- YES! You can create your PERFECT PRODUCT in a few hours...ONE single-sitting!
- YES! You can get other people to create your PERFECT PRODUCT FOR YOU.
- YES! We reveal all our TOP SECRETS to create your own PERFECT PRODUCT.
- YES! You can create a PERFECT PRODUCT from ANY computer or mobile device.
- YES! You can create MULTIPLE PERFECT PRODUCTS to earn more and scale up fast.
- YES! You can be PROUD to show off your PERFECT PRODUCT to your friends and family.
- YES! You can create your PERFECT PRODUCT for FREE, with no ads or surprise costs.
- YES! ANYONE can quickly create their own PERFECT PRODUCT.
- YES! You get our secret list of FREE SOFTWARE to help do all the heavy lifting for you.
John and I have created multiple PERFECT PRODUCTS in as little as a few hours. This is a formula that has worked for years, and will NEVER stop working.
In fact, just a few weeks ago, John created his own PERFECT PRODUCT in less than 3 hours on a lazy afternoon...
(YES, including all the "prep work!")
Remember, you do "the work" to set up your PERFECT PRODUCT just ONCE, and then get to reap the rewards INDEFINITELY.
It can be lightning-fast for you to create your own PERFECT PRODUCT using our instructions and FREE SOFTWARE, and all the traffic comes to you for FREE on autopilot...because OTHER PEOPLE ARE SENDING TRAFFIC TO YOU.
You can do this again...and again...and again.
- How To Make Your PERFECT PRODUCT Completely Unique From Everything Else...
- How To Break Into Brand New Niches and Brand New Categories With Your PERFECT PRODUCT...
- How To Easily Gather Proof That Help Sells Your Own PERFECT PRODUCT...
- How To Uncover The “Big Idea” That Makes Your PERFECT PRODUCT Sell Itself...
- How To Extract The Big Hook For Your PERFECT PRODUCT...
- How To Create Add-On Products That Make Your PERFECT PRODUCT Sell For More...
- How To Get Other People To Send You Free Traffic and Sell Your PERFECT PRODUCT For You...
- How To Scale Up Your PERFECT PRODUCT For 1,000’s of Customers...
- How To Create 5 PERFECT PRODUCTS At Once (With The Same Amount of Effort)...
- How To Make Your PERFECT PRODUCTS Successfully Sell For Decades...
- How To Leverage Your PERFECT PRODUCT As An Asset That Pays Dividends Again and Again...
- How To Guarantee Customer Satisfaction With Your PERFECT PRODUCTS...
- How To Guarantee That Your PERFECT PRODUCT Will Be A Success (Before You Even Create It!)...
- How To Easily Build An Ecosystem That Supports and Grows Your PERFECT PRODUCT Automatically...
- How To Generate the “Binge Effect” For Your PERFECT PRODUCTS So Customers Fall In Love With You...
- How To Implant Your PERFECT PRODUCT In Your Customers Mind So They Can’t Resist Pressing the Buy Button...
- How To Unlock The “Expert Secret” That Makes Your PERFECT PRODUCT Shine...
- How To Use FREE SOFTWARE To Quickly Create Your Own PERFECT PRODUCTS...
The coaching videos and free software that you get inside PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION are something that everyone should have.
We could easily charge $299 or more for access to this. In fact, with all of the videos and bonuses you're getting with your purchase today, and considering that we've charged over $1,000 for just 30 minutes of coaching with us, we'd actually be devaluing the value of the videos you're getting today, even at the $299 price tag.
But because we remember what it's like to be starting out and trying to grow your business from scratch, we wanted to make this a life-changing deal for you.
Instead of charging what PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION is truly worth, we're taking 90% OFF the real price for a limited time during our special launch. You get access at a tiny fraction of what the price should be, that anyone, on any budget, can afford...
Get Instant Access For Only $14.95 For A Limited Time:
Beginner-Friendly - Instant Access - Easy One-Time Payment
Your Purchase of PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION Is Protected By Our
"Try It Free" 30 Day Guarantee
Helping you create your own PERFECT PRODUCT is our #1 Priority. Implement the strategies, techniques and free software inside PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION and everything else you get today for 30 full days and report your results to us.
If you aren't able to get sales with the product that you create, just contact our support desk (1099support.com) within 30 days of purchase and our friendly customer support team will personally help you build your product in the right way. If you aren't able to get sales after creating your PERFECT PRODUCT and applying our help, then we'll issue a full refund.
It's that simple.
See Exactly How We Create Products
Watch & Create Products From ANY Device
Create Your Product In Just One Day
PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION is EXACTLY what you've been waiting for.
There's NOTHING ELSE like the feeling of having an ASSET at your fingertips, that pays you over and over again.
There's NOTHING ELSE like getting other people to automatically send you FREE traffic that are REAL BUYERS, at absolutely no upfront cost to you.
There's NOTHING ELSE like FEELING GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF as you see the sales, the cash, and the customer compliments flooding in to you.
There's NOTHING ELSE like being able to use FREE SOFTWARE to help you do all of the heavy lifting to create your own PERFECT PRODUCTS.
There's NOTHING ELSE like being able to quickly create your own PERFECT PRODUCTS, over and over again...whenever you want.
But we wanted to make this an even easier decision for you...

Get an insider look at our EXACT PERFECT PRODUCT funnels, so you can copy them for yourselves.

Get FREE instant access to our high-speed PERFECT PRODUCT secrets to get you launched ultra-fast.

Get instant access to our ZERO COST Product Creation tools to help you create FREE PRODUCTS FOREVER.

Get access to our Live Workshop showing you how we went from 0 to 1000+ daily visitors with our #1 source of FREE Traffic.
This is something EVERYONE in ANY NICHE can use...
PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION is the result of an enormous amount of "in-the-trenches" experience and trial-and-error... and we've specifically created it to be the absolute BEST video instructions and FREE SOFTWARE TOOLS available for building your own PERFECT PRODUCT today.
You will find no better way to produce PERFECT PRODUCTS that sell so quickly... and access to this incredible system will absolutely not be available at this price forever.
No matter what stage your business is in, or what niche markets that you target...putting PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION to work is a smart, long-term investment that will pay you back over and over again.
CLICK HERE To Download PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION Right Now and put it into action for you. If you don't see the results you expect, I insist that you e-mail our team and ask for our help. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
This is the truth: We want you as a lifelong customer. When YOU BENEFIT, we benefit. And we put our money where our mouth is.
We can't wait to see your results.
Matt and John Rhodes
"The Rhodes Brothers"
Questions Before You Join Us?
PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION unlocks instant access to our 17 Coaching Videos, FREE SOFTWARE Tools and Bonuses revealing exactly how to create your own PERFECT PRODUCT. It reveals exactly what you need to do to create your own products that SELL LIKE CRAZY at top speeds, in any niche or industry.
Who Can Use This System?
Anyone, in any industry or with any website, in any language, can use this system and FREE tools to create their own PERFECT PRODUCTS from anywhere in the world. It works for ALL NICHES and marketplaces.
How Much Do I Need To Invest To Start?
Absolutely nothing. You can create your own PERFECT PRODUCTS at absolutely no cost, and people will even send FREE traffic to your products. You only pay when someone else makes a sale for you! You CAN invest more (as little as $5) to grow and advertise your PERFECT PRODUCT and get it to sell like wildfire if you choose, but it is NOT required.
Can I Use This On My Device?
PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION can be watched and implemented from all computers – you can use our FREE TOOLS to create your PERFECT PRODUCT from ANYWHERE! It works on all PC, Mac and Mobile Devices!
Is There a Guarantee?
Our goal is to help you create your own PERFECT PRODUCT, which is why you’re completely protected by our 30 Day “Try It Free“ Guarantee. If you apply everything inside PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION and you don’t get sales for your product, just let us know at 1099support.com and we’ll personally help you. If you aren’t able to get sales for your product after you apply our help, then we’ll issue a full refund.
Is this Beginner-Friendly?
YES! You do NOT need any experience whatsoever to put the coaching instructions and tools inside PERFECT PRODUCT CREATION to work for you. This is the perfect way to get started so you do things the RIGHT WAY. (Experienced students will find our secrets even more valuable.)
Will This Work in X Niche?
YES! This works great in any niche, including health, fitness, dating, parenting, work at home, blogging, podcasting…or even if you have a small or very specific local business. EVERY NICHE! These FREE tools and coaching work like crazy even if you’re starting completely from scratch and have no business at all.
How Do I Get Instant Access?
Just Click the Add To Cart Button Below…
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Earnings Disclaimer: The facts and figures above are from our personal experiences and research related to product creation. Any earnings, traffic or income statements, or earnings, traffic or income examples, are from our experiences, the documented experiences of others, and are only estimates of what we think you could earn. There is no assurance you’ll do as well. If you rely upon our figures, you must accept the risk of not doing as well due to a large number of variables: your marketplace, niche, work ethic, the number of available customers, etc. For educational and informational purposes only. Please see our full earnings disclaimer.