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Work1099 Attract New Customers Get Traffic

Zero to 1.1 Million Visitors in 120 Days. Results not typical & vary.

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Date: January 22, 2025

From the Desk of Matt Rhodesmatt_headshot
President, 1099 Systems Inc.

Dear New Member:

Welcome! Please allow me to be the first to personally congratulate you on your purchase of Authority Site Launchpad and on becoming a Work1099 Member.

Let me clue you in on a huge secret that you're going to uncover.

The #1 key to attracting people who are eager - truly eager - to buy your products and services is to put timely, engaging content on your website that your target market wants.

You could write the content yourself...

But it takes time.

Lots of time.

Time that is better spent working on your business, not in your business.

I can't spend all day sitting down, writing article after article for my network of blogs and websites. That's why, for a long time, I hired a huge team of writers to create engaging content for me.

It worked well for a while...but maybe you can guess the problem.

You have to spend many $1,000’s to get high-quality writers to continuously write compelling content that attracts new visitors and converts them into sales.

Luckily, while I used to need to contract over a dozen writers at a time... I can now have a single writer do more work than all of them combined.

The big secret lies with a proprietary process and software that automates the entire process of curating and producing high-quality content for zero cost.

We originally built our process and software for ourselves, for our own in-house purposes...but, after using it and discovering just how effective it is for producing great content for free, we decided we would to share it exclusively with our members so you could use it to automatically populate your own authority website with high-quality content for free.

The system behind this software is the #1 source of visitors for my small network of websites that has gotten over 18 million visitors in just under 18 months:

A lot of businesses would pay big for this level of traffic, but it just comes naturally when you automate your traffic generation with this powerful software system.

Source: Wordstream Consultants

Do the math.

To get 18.6 million visitors, if you were to pay just $0.05 per click for that much traffic (a very low price...usually it costs $0.25, $0.50 or much higher per click) you would have had to pay...


Imagine how much more it would cost if we were talking about paying a more realistic number - especially when you're talking about a high-end industry (loans & lawyers) where they're paying upwards of $50.00 or more for a single click.

Not to mention the fact that people can be very reluctant to click on paid ads...but they'll check out your free content all day long (and then talk themselves into buying your products and services.)

We didn't have to pay a dime for that traffic. It was all completely free to us - plus all of the content we used was from free sources. 

Few people can beat that.

There are two important parts to this system. Let's talk about the first piece, my 4-step system that makes it simple and easy to uncover diamond-grade sources for your free content.

This first step is called the "Free Content Formula," where you are shown how to do it all, step-by-step.

Here's How the 4-Step System Works:

  • 1

    Go Through Your List of Free Content Sources

    First, I identify the content that is relevant to my business. Don’t worry, you can find free content for literally every market or business out there. The list of free content is endless – in fact, it’s growing by the day. There is usually there’s so much free content available to me that I can’t use it all at once.

  • 2

    Sift For "Diamonds"

    Next, I sift for diamonds. I go through all of the free content available to me and identify which of it is most valuable to me. I refine the diamonds and wait for more to appear. (New content and diamonds appear for me daily.)

  • 3

    Apply Conversion-Boosting Techniques

    Once I’ve found the diamond-level content I want to use, I apply a few ultra-simple conversion boosting techniques to the content. With these techniques, I’m able to attract more visitors, and more importantly, turn more of them into loyal, paying customers that stick with me for the long-term.

  • 4

    Scale Up - Fast!

    As you use more and more content and begin to see the impact of what you’re doing, it’s only natural that you’ll want to scale up to get more results. You can follow an easy, step-by-step scaling up process once per week to take your business to the next level.

Templates and Checklists - 100% Included:

  • Starter Kit Companion Manual

    34 page PDF that gets you started as quickly as possible. You’ll see how Free Content Formula works, advanced techniques, and how to organize your content generation system.

  • Over-the-Shoulder Starter Kit Video

    Walk through the exact processes and tools that you follow. You can watch this video as you go through the Starter Kit Companion Manual.

  • Starter Kit Quality Control Checklist

    Use this easy checklist as you source and produce your FREE content to make sure it has as much of an impact as possible.

  • Conversion Booster Flowchart

    Apply this simple conversion boosting process to multiply the sales results of all your content. This is the exact system that professional companies use, but it’s easy.

  • Diamond Sifting Companion Manual

    You’ll use this manual and the video to uncover the most precious free content you can, while applying your new conversion boosting techniques to boost sales.

  • Diamond Sifting "Follow Along" Video

    Watch for yourself as diamonds are created from FREE content, then follow along and do it for your own business or website.

  • Diamond Sifting Quality Control Checklist

    Make sure your FREE content is refined to the standard that your visitors (and future customers!) demand each and every time with this checklist.

  • Diamond Sifting Process Map

    Print out this easy visual guide for the Diamond Sifting Process for your records and to ensure that your virtual assistants know exactly what to do at a glance.

  • Weekly Scaling Process Manual

    Follow these instructions once per week to drastically expand your reach and boost the effectiveness of all the content you produce. (This takes less than 30 minutes!)

  • Weekly Scaling Quality Control Checklist

    Check off each of the steps once per week as you expand your content generation efforts. This checklist makes it easy for you and turns it into a habit for your business.

  • Weekly Scaling Step-By-Step Process Map

    Print out a copy of the process map as a reminder of exactly what needs to be done each week to help you scale, then watch your visitors and income grow.

  • Much, Much More

    There’s an unbelievable amount of training inside Free Content Formula, and we want to make sure you can take advantage of it. If you have questions, contact our support team.

This System Actually Works Too Well...

When our team looked at the numbers and realized how well the Free Content Formula system worked, I immediately wanted to seriously scale it up, as quickly as I could.

My team was using my system every single day…and it was working like crazy to attract new customers (as you can see)…

…but I have to admit, I was personally really starting to “feel the heat.” My system worked a little too well, and I was noticing that my weekly bill for my team was getting higher, and higher, and higher.

I was making more money, but my bills were rising faster than our revenue.

I wanted virtually everyone working for me to be using this system at all times, but that simply wasn’t practical. It was too expensive. Yet I knew there had to be a way, because it was so effective.

So I went back to the drawing board and decided to build Part 2 of this system...

Use This Software To Automate Our System:

WP Newswire is the result of months of hard work and dedicated testing by our world-class programming staff. I needed something built that was a natural fit for our existing content production process (the system outlined in Free Content Formula).

It installs instantly into ANY existing WordPress installation (no matter what plugins or themes you're using) and is one of the easiest plugins you will ever use – yet you can customize it to fit your needs any way you’d like.

We decided to call it “WP Newswire” because that’s exactly what it’s like…a news wire that is automatically importing all of the latest content into your website.

Choose any source, click a button, and let WP Newswire do the hard work for you!

With WP Newswire, you are now able to:

  • Syndicate content from ANY website, news source or keyword that you choose.

  • INSTANTLY import unlimited articles, news, videos, press releases.

  • AUTOMATICALLY import the content you select, on the schedule you choose.

  • REVIEW and EDIT your imported content, before it goes live on your website.

  • SCALE your website or business quickly, without hiring extra staff.

  • FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE for whatever content needs your business requires.

With the power of WP Newswire, you can now operate a full-fledged "news desk" in the industry of your choice with just a few clicks of the keyboard, if you'd like. That’s no exaggeration.

There are a million ways to use WP Newswire to scale up your business – but being a source of new information means that you naturally attract the customers you want…in any market, industry or niche you want.

How WP Newswire Works

When you follow the instructions provided in Free Content Formula, you’ll see exactly how WP Newswire works and how to use it. It's so easy that a child can use it:

  1. Choose your source of content using Free Content Formula.
  2. Enter your target keyword or a source feed. (We show you how to find them.)
  3. Narrow results by keywords. (Optional.)
  4. Click "Save" and watch WP Newswire work like magic.

Advanced Features Included At No Extra Cost:

WP Newswire does all the heavy lifting for you as it fills your website with high-quality curated content. There are plenty of advanced options, too:

- Import recent articles from source feeds to instantly populate your website.

- Review imported diamond source articles in a queue for review before you publish them.

- You can put any additional content or HTML into imported posts automatically to add commentary, buy buttons, or anything else important to your business.

- Instantly and/or perpetually curate the most popular videos and news directly from the source related to your market or industry.

- Customize the number of sentences that your content import includes, automatically make posts to your category of choice, and tweak many other settings.

See How WP Newswire Works For Yourself

Even though WP Newswire is loaded with features and can be customized to your desires, it is also very easy to use. Take at this screenshot to see for yourself, it's all self-explanatory (anything that you might not understand yet is fully covered inside Free Content Formula):


You enter an RSS feed, webpage, or keywords you'd like to use to syndicate relevant videos and news releases. Like magic, article snippets from your target sources appear in your WP Newswire Queue. Once they're in your queue, you can edit them to add your own writing flair and flavor... or the snippets can be instantly and automatically posted directly to your blog or website.

Your choice.

I’m sure you can see why I’m so excited about it. It’s easy enough for a 9 year old to use, yet the technology that powers WP Newswire can replace an entire team of writer researchers. It already has for us.

It saves you money, and more importantly, it saves you time. The content you need to power your business is at your fingertips, instantly.

No matter who you are, or what business you’re in, WP Newswire is a huge asset. It’s a secret tool that I’ve quietly been using in my own business, and it brings results.

Available For You At An Unbelievable Price


We could fairly and reasonably charge $99 per month for access to this and it would be a steal.

Entire businesses can be built around Free Content Formula and WP Newswire alone, so we didn’t want to limit the many opportunities available only to those who are willing to spend big money. I was worried at first about giving away our competitive edge, but a lot of people don’t operate in the same markets and industries that we do.

At the same time, it cost us a small fortune to develop WP Newswire, and we can’t give away our proprietary technology for peanuts.

But you're a brand new customer, and we wanted to make sure that you got a great deal on some of our most important in-house software for building your authority websites. 

So, to allow new customers to experience WP Newswire that are serious about using it, we decided to give it to you at our lowest possible special offer pricing...

Discount Coupon Applied + Free Upgrade Included

For today only, because you’re a brand new member and we want to help you get started as quickly as possible, you get access to this entire package including Free Content Formula and WP Newswire for a modest one-time fee of less than $99. (No monthly charge!)

With this offer, you are licensed to install and use WP Newswire on one (1) domain at a time. Or, for $297, you can purchase a WP Newswire Unlimited Use License. This allows you to install and use WP Newswire on unlimited domains that you own, or domains/websites that you run for your clients.

FREE UPGRADE: As a a brand new member, you get a free upgrade to the Enterprise and Client Unlimited Use License. You can install and use WP Newswire on any of your or your client's websites!

(With the Unlimited Use License, you can use WP Newswire on your client’s websites to grow their business for them. You can sell this as a service to clients and keep 100% of the profit when you use WP Newswire.)

Claim your free upgrade and purchase your Enterprise and Client Unlimited Use License at our lowest special offer price:

Bonus Included: "Page One In 48 Hours"

This is the mother lode of all bonuses. This bonus alone is worth substantially more than the small investment that we're asking for today.

We've stumbled upon a certain "white hat method" that we discovered that immediately launches your own content to page one in only 48-72 hours. It also has an extremely high success rate (almost 100% for low-to-moderate competition keywords) because Google actually prefers it when you apply this "hack."

It costs very little to do (less than $25) and this special type of content lasts indefinitely and will funnel traffic to you, your website and your business time and time again.

You can do this for every keyword that you want to target - and you'll want to, because it's highly effective in two ways:

1.) This method attracts an immediate surge of customers.

2.) This method also attracts a long-term stream of customers.

In short - you should apply this incredibly powerful method for both an immediate surge and long-term increase in customers.

Page One In 48 Hours - which alone is worth far more than your investment today - is included absolutely free today with your purchase of Free Content Formula and WP Newswire.

It's our personal way of saying "Thank You" for upgrading your order with us.

Upgrade Your Order With Confidence:

Your Upgrade Is Protected By Our Iron-Clad 30 Day

100% Money Back Guarantee

Your Satisfaction is Our Absolute #1 Priority. Implement the system inside Free Content Formula and automate it with WP Newswire. Try it all risk-free for 30 full days and report your results to us.

If you aren't thrilled with the results, just contact our support desk ( or e-mail us ( within 60 days of purchase and our friendly customer support team will issue you a full refund. Simple.

Questions Before You Upgrade?

  • q-iconWhat is Free Content Formula?

    Free Content Formula is our 4-step system used to identify great sources of free content that we can use on our own website. You can follow this system without spending a dime and use it to find “diamond-grade” content your target market loves.

  • q-iconWhat Is WP Newswire?

    WP Newswire completely automates the process of posting, editing and adding commentary according to your specifications. We used the strategy behind Free Content Formula and WP Newswire to go from zero to over 1.1 million unique customer visits in just 4 months – you can use this software and copy our proprietary process for any industry.

  • q-iconWho Can Use This System?

    Anyone, in any industry or with any website, in any language, can use the Free Content Formula system to attract more customers to their business or website from anywhere in the world.

    To use WP Newswire, you need to have Wordpress installed on your website or hosting provider. WP Newswire automates the process of curating, editing, adding commentary, and posting content to your Wordpress blog according to your specifications. It has easy drag-and-drop installation and setup.

  • q-iconHow Is This Different? What If I Need Help?

    Free Content Formula is our system for on and off-page optimization steps to ensure your website, brand, products and services are highly visible on search engines. This upgrade helps you find free high-quality content for your website, automates posting and adds commentary, plus gets you to page one with an ethical white-hat “hack.”

    Our friendly support team is on standby 7 days a week to assist you at and via e-mail at

  • q-iconHow Much Do I Need To Invest?

    Free Content Formula and WP Newswire are available for less than $99 for you as part of our special offer available only to new customers, although the normal retail price is normally over $300.

  • q-iconHow Long Will Delivery Take?

    Free Content Formula and WP Newswire are digital downloads so you will get instant access to everything as soon as you click the buy now botton.

  • q-iconHow Is This Package Delivered?

    Free Content Formula and WP Newswire is available as an instant .zip download with multiple PDF and .doc modules and multiple additional worksheets in PDF, .doc and .xls format. WP Newswire is a .zip plugin that needs to be uploaded to your Wordpress website.

  • q-iconIs There A Money Back Guarantee?

    We want you to be completely satisfied, which is why you’re completely protected by our 30 Day Iron-Clad 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you aren’t absolutely thrilled with our system or software or anything we’ve offered you in any way, just let us know. We stand behind what we sell.

Automate Your Flow of Customers Now
At Our Lowest Special Offer Price:

Upgrade Now To Download Free Content Formula,
WP Newswire, Plus Page One in 48 Hours


Your Purchase is 100% Secure and Guaranteed

CAUTION: This is a one-time special discount to upgrade your order and it will not be available again. Click to decline offer.