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Earn 100% Commissions with Authority Site Launchpad!
Front-End Offer: $17 at 100% Commissions
Upsell Offer: Dimesale from $62 to $67 at 50% Commissions
Downsell Offer: Dimesale from $17 to $27 at 50% Commissions
Continuity Offer: $7 for First Month, then $29/Month at 50% Commissions
Continuity Upsell: $397 All-in-One Package at 50% Commissions
MASSIVE Overdelivery on a HOT Topic!
Please Read Below For Prizes and Details...

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100% Commissions: You Earn Up To $248.50 Per Sale Instantly PLUS Earn Monthly Recurring Income by Promoting Authority Site Launchpad!
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
I know your time is valuable, so please allow me to get straight to business - THANK YOU for reading this page and for your interest in promoting Authority Site Launchpad.
Authority Site Launchpad features a highly-profitable funnel, loads of proof (please see the sales page), and I personally write my own sales pages because they are consistently proven to convert, often at 10% or higher.
I know you treat your customers like gold and that you only want to promote the highest-quality offers that drive high EPCs for your business. Authority Site Launchpad fits the bill.
I've created an outstanding, irresistible offer that not only delivers highly valuable training and templates to your customers, but that delivers generous long-term cashflow to you - with 100% commissions on the front end and recurring payments on our backend offers.
Authority Site Launchpad is available for you to promote via WarriorPlus - swipe copy and affiliate links are on this page. If you have openings in your schedule anytime, I'd love to have your support.
I'd love to support you, too (whether you promote Authority Site Launchpad or not.) Please e-mail me directly at matt (AT) mattwrhodes (DOT) com with your launches and upcoming offers.
You can earn up to $248.50 per click with Authority Site Launchpad...
You Earn Up To $248.50 Instantly + $14.50/Month Per Sale
Authority Site Launchpad is my complete step-by-step system revealing how I routinely build authority sites that go from 0 to 100 visitors daily, with a case study of an actual website of mine, and the instructions, guidelines, templates and protocols we follow when building authority websites today.
Here's how the sales funnel flows to maximize your EPCs:

Frontend Offer:
Your Commission:
100% ($17.00 per sale instantly to you)
Sales Page:
Click Here To View
Authority Site Launchpad is 5 PDF modules, 120+ pages that walks our customers through the process of building their own ultra-high quality Authority Sites that automatically attract customers via high-impact SEO, and by doing the proper research to extract keywords and analyze customer profiles.
Authority Site Launchpad also lays out an example case study revealing an actual authority website I built that went from 0 to 1,000+ daily visitors (though the angle used on the sales page is 0 to 100 visitors, because it's more conceivable for those getting started building their authority site.)
It is backed by substantial proof from several Authority websites I built that went from 0 to 100+ daily visitors. Check out the sales page.
9 bonuses are included that help guide customers through the process, with checklists, templates, worksheets and more.
Upsell #1: Free Content Formula + WP Newswire
$67.00 - $77.00
Your Commission:
50% ($31.00 - $38.50 per sale instantly to you)
Sales Page:
Click Here To View
Free Content Formula is a 4-part scaleable, repeatable system for finding great sources of free, high-quality content, sifting through content to find "diamonds," applying conversion techniques and rinse-and-repeating the process to scale up production.
WP Newswire automates the process by automatically curating content to their WordPress blog from their sources of choice, and includes an Enterprise and Client License, which enables the sale of WP Newswire services to clients.
Includes a bonus of Google Page One in 48 Hours, which reveals a simple, powerful strategy to get to the top page one in the search results, fast.
Downsell: Free Content Formula
$17.00 - $27.00
Your Commission:
50% ($8.50 - $13.50 per sale instantly to you)
If users decline the full upsell, they are presented with an offer for Free Content Formula only, without WP Newswire or Google Page One.
Upsell #2 (Continuity): Work1099 Membership
$7.00 for 30 Days, then $29.00/month
Your Commission:
50% ($3.50, then $14.50 recurring monthly per sale to you)
Sales Page:
Click Here To View
Work1099 is my flagship membership that contains 600+ money-making tutorials and nearly my entire life's work. While members have access, they get access to over 10 years of my personal training and the best training from other top instructors. We talk about everything from traffic generation to software creation to building wealth. Work1099 has broad appeal because so much of the training presented works together in harmony.
Continuity Upsell: Work1099 Accelerator Enterprise
Your Commission:
50% ($198.50 per sale instantly to you)
Sales Page:
Click Here To View
Work1099 Accelerator gives unlimited access to all of our tools, with a full Client and Enterprise License, enabling the sale of services provided by the tools to clients.
Your customers get Universal App Maker, enabling them to build an unlimited number of custom apps for the Apple, Android and Amazon app marketplaces, with plug-and-play templates included.
Your customers also get SelfSurve, enabling them to build an unlimited number of customer engagement forms and surveys, plus collect unlimited responses with automatic Aweber e-mail list integration built-in. They also get access to several in-house keyword tools we use, plus 1-on-1 VIP Support directly from me and my team.
Get Your Affiliate Link: Sold via WarriorPlus

IMPORTANT! Sign Up Now For JV E-Mail Notifications:
Your name/e-mail will NOT be shared or sold. I will ONLY contact you about my JV offers, contests, etc.
What's Inside Authority Site Launchpad?...
"Build Your Own Authority Site In 90 Minutes:
How To Routinely Go From 0 to 100 Daily Visitors"
How To Routinely Go From 0 to 100 Daily Visitors"
Actual Case Study
Overview of the full system with actual 100+ daily visitor case study site.
Know Your Customer
Keyword research starts at knowing your customer first. Find out how.
Uncover Search Terms
Keywords are clues. Discover what your customer is searching for and wants to buy.
Backlinks That Matter
Concentrate your time to create organic backlinks that have big impact.
Get New Customers
Optimize your authority sites to get ranked on Google and Bing fast.
Keyword Checklist
Target the most profitable keywords with our keyword checklist.
Market Targeting
Get to know your ideal customer’s habits with our fast-and-easy worksheet.
Identify Hyper-Responsive Customers easily in any niche or industry.
Your Customers Get 5 Authority Site Launchpad
PDF Modules with Tons of Bonuses Included:
- MODULE 1: Authority Site 90 Minute Quick Launch PDF
- MODULE 2: Free Automatic Authority Site Traffic PDF
- MODULE 3: Uncovering Your Ultra-Profitable Target Keywords PDF
- MODULE 4: Authority Site Organic Backlinking System PDF
- MODULE 5: Identify Hyper-Responsive Customers PDF Tutorial
- 3 WORKSHEETS INCLUDED: Get A Full Summary of Each PDF Module
- 2 CHECKLISTS INCLUDED: Check Off Your "To Do" List As You Build Your Site!
- 3 SPREADSHEETS INCLUDED: Track Progress On Your Authority Site Tasks
- MUCH, MUCH MORE: All Included FREE With Your Purchase!
Ready To Join Us? Sign Up And Get Your Link Below!